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Select one or more materials that should be included in activity
Baking soda
See instructions
Dish soap
Plaster of Paris
Paint brush
food coloring
Dry ice
Food coloring (optional)
Scissors - class set
Tall clear container
Magnifying glass (optional)
Clear cup or glass
Plastic bowls
Ziploc bags
Sheet of white paper
Disposable spoon
Washable School Glue
Sheet of white printer paper
jumbo Popsicle sticks
Duct tape
Shaving cream - enough to fill a small cup
Rubber band
Carved pumpkin
Popsicle sticks
Disposable cup or beaker
Apple slices
Yellow highlighter marker
Dark blue construction paper
Round balloon
Spray adhesive
Disposable spoons
Disposable plate
markers - class set
Metal spoon
Clear washable school glue
Paper towel
Warm water
Black light bulb or similar
Fluorescent water
Vegetable oil
Small plastic spider
Dish or tray
Holiday spirit
Goggles (optional)
Small paperclips
Heavy cream, slightly warmed
White or colored printer paper
Fan that can be tilted to blow upwards
Blue or green highlighter marker
Ice water - enough to fill the glass
Hot (but not boiling) water - enough to fill the glass
room temperature water -- enough to fill the glass
Glow stick (all the same color)
Plastic water bottle with lid - green preferred
Craft materials
Sharp object to make a small hole
sturdy plastic cup
Sink, bucket or similar
Cups or petri dishes
disposable cup with plastic lid
Clean glass jar with lid
Marble (optional)
Spatula or wooden spoon
Small bowl (optional)
String or ribbon (optional)
Balloon -- twisty balloon preferred
Piece of plastic shopping bag or tinsel
Wool blanket, sweater, or similar
Crepe paper or small bits of paper
Flowers - class set
Very hot water
Button magnets - class set
Sponges or sponge paper cut into a tree shape
Play tunnel (optional)
Cookie cutters (optional)
Blender (optional)
Ground pepper
Toothpick, straw or similar
Canned or pureed pumpkin
Pumpkin pie spice
Bucket (optional)
Yellow pom poms - class set (optional)
Peppermint candies
Non-stick spray or similar
Salt (any kind)
Q-tip or similar
Zipper baggie
Apple seeds
Large tree or plant leaf
Washable Paint Set
roll of colorful duct tape
Contact paper or similar cut into approx. 6
Hole puncher
Piece of ribbon, pipecleaner or similar
Set of washable paints
Plates (1 per paint color)
Waxed paper cut into a square or circle
Recycled cardboard tube
set of permanent black markers
cotton balls, white pompons or similar
Colorful washable powdered tempera paint
Heavy book or similar
Metal tablespoon
Flat coffee filters cut into 1
Small beakers or plastic cup
Various large green leaves
Paper money or a picture thereof
Sheet of paper
Recycled glass jar
colorful balloon
Balloon pump (optional)
Duct tape or similar
Spider web
Black paper
Spray bottle with water
Fine powder (e.g., baking powder, baby powder, face powder)
Flat tea bag (the kind with a tag)
Matches or lighter
Flame-proof surface
Recycled CD
Recycled water bottle nozzle
Mod Podge
Ribbon or string (optional)
Tea candle (optional)
Vinegar (enough to cover the egg in the glass)
Food coloring - 1 drop
Water glasses -- all should be identical
Metal spoon or similar
Water glasses
water bottle
ketchup packet
Food coloring - set of different colors
Mrs. Stewart's Bluing Solution
Marker (optional)
Sand (several cups)
Markers or crayons - class set
Variety of waterproof recycled materials (plastic bottles & containers)
String or similar
Hot glue gun, waterproof tape or similar
Decorations (optional)
Bird food
Scissors or similar
Wide-mouth funnel
Metal brad
Toy eggs or similar
Printable code wheel template (see instructions)
Sheet of dark construction paper - 8.5 x 11
Hard boiled eggs - as many as desired
Vinegar - Approx 2 T. for every 6 eggs
Used paper bags or similar
Washable glue
Small bowl or similar
Shredder or scissors
Light corn syrup
Black construction paper circle
Plastic wrap (optional)
Tape (optional)
Meltable snack food (chocolate, cheese, etc.)
White printer paper 8.5
Stiff white paper, like cardstock or photo paper
Glue, glue dots or similar
Craft foam (optional) - approx .5 x 12 inches
1 sheet of aluminum foil
1 Tablespoon salt
1 Tablespoon baking soda
Can of shaving cream
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup white vinegar
tarnished silver
soft cloth for drying and polishing
Glass baking dish
Deep dish that is not much larger than the sponge
Printable Morse Code Sheet (see link)
String - approx 16 inches
Velcro -- hook and loop
Bins - 1 per 3 students
Twigs, leaves, rocks (optional)
Insect grabbers or tongs (optiona)
Set of markers or similar
Roll of clear tape
White cardstock 8.5x11
Printed robotic finger form
Small, strong magnet (such as neodymium)
Toy clicker, pencil, drumstick, stick, rock -- anything to tap or click with
Metal paper clips or similar (optional)
Box of corn starch
Ammonia (optional)
Large, wide rubber band
Small rubber bands
Small foam shapes
Jumbo craft sticks
Markers (optional)
Water - enough to fill the clear glass
Baby oil - enough to fill the clear glass about 1/3 full
Vegetable oil - enough to fill the clear glass about 1/3 full
Colored, heart-shaped ice cube
Magnet wands - class set
plain white carnation
Highligher or washable marker
Glue stick
Balloon (transparent is best)
1/4" hex nut
Boiling water
Acids (e.g., vinegar, lemon juice, toilet bowl cleaner)
Bases (e.g., baking soda, milk of magnesia)
Unsweetened Cherry Jello or Kool-Aid - packet
Vinegar - enough to fill the container 2/3
Bee pictures - class set
Sheet of pink or red construction paper
White wax crayon
utility scissors or knife - grownup only
water - enough to fill cup halfway
Large magnetic or metal surface
sheets of red & pink paper
Colorful pipe cleaners
Dish soap (Joy or Dawn work best; avoid
Candy hearts or similar (optional)
very small disposable cups
Raw egg
Measuring spoons - class set
Zipper sandwich bag
Container of 1 dozen raw eggs
Hardboiled egg
Shortening or similar (optional)
tape - class set
Food coloring - class set
Paper hearts
Jumbo craft sticks or similar
Water droppers (optional)
Permanent markers (optional)
Washable, non-toxic paint
Cup or bowl
Drinking straw
Mini Carrot
Splash of lemon juice
Empty water bottle
Sharpie marker - class set
Measuring cups - class set
Meringue powder
Sand paper
Awl or sharp knife
Laminating sheets
Cardboard tubes
Bubble solution
Liquid soap
Bubble wands
Large bowl
Construction paper
Washable markers
Black or other dark permanent ink markers
Clear cups
Beehive picture
Waxed paper
Floor fan that can be tilted to blow upwards
Clear plastic cups
Cotton balls
Butterfly template
Piece of string
Large stuffed animals
Strips of fabric or bandanas
Printed first aid stickers
Petri dishes
Sticker labels
Small plastic bowls
Permanent markers
Ziploc sandwich bags
Magnetic tape
Glass measuring cup
Nutrient Agar
White board
Dry erase marker
Metal Tray
Medium sized Dixie cup
Bird seed
Small colored beads
Plastic wrap
Small Petri dishes
Googly eyes
Shaving cream
Colander or strainer
Disposable bowl or small container
Small toy dinosaurs, bones, rocks, or other items from around the house
Smoke machine or dry ice
or similar
Large toothpicks or wooden skewers (axles)
Corn starch
Potting soil or similar grass seed (or any seed)
Rubbing alcohol
Borax (a laundry booster)
Food coloring or liquid tempera paint
White paper
Citric acid (buy online or in the canning section of the grocery store)
Baby oil (scented or unscented)
Cream of tartar
Confectioners sugar
Fragrance (optional)
Foam sheet or construction paper
Plastic egg halves
Decorations as desired
Tape or hot glue
Glue sticks
Plastic spoons
Mini marshmallows
Masking tape
Plastic insects
Plastic spiders
Hole punch
Pipe cleaners
Googly eyes or eye stickers
foam stickers
hot glue gun
Cotton swabs
Recycled glass jar with metal lid
Strong magnet
Recycled 2-liter bottle
Fruit, syrup, or other sticky substance
Small recycled plastic container
Pantyhose or similar
Tall clear glasses
Ice cubes
Long piece of string or yarn
Yellow yarn
Hot glue and Hot glue gun
Small shovels, spoons or similar
Colander, sifter or similar
Glass milk bottle or similar**
Tall, slender glass container
Vinegar - enough to fill container 1/2 full
Oil - enough to make a 1
Plastic bucket (any size)
Vinyl shower curtain, very thick trash bag or similar -- large enough to cover the mouth of your bucket
Elastic, bungee cord, or duct tape
Tall, clear jar, glass or similar
Aluminum foil square
Small fossils, sharks' teeth, rocks or similar
Sand or rice - enough to fill the tub about 1/3 to the top
Large plastic container
Magnetic marbles
Bouncy ball
Magnetic wand
Water bottle nozzle
Small paper confetti, bits of paper, tissue paper, rice cereal or similar
Raw chicken egg
Clear glass
Medium-size paper cup
Cotton string
Small paper clips
Decorating materials
Medium sized disposable cup
Popsicle stick or disposable spoon
Plastic cookie cutter
Drinking straws
Sharp pencil, toothpick or similar
Recycled plastic water bottle
Recycled plastic bottle caps (all same)
Shaving cream (scented if desired) - 1 can
Scent as desired
Shallow baking pan or dish
Paper towel sheets
Small candy wrappers (optional)
Epsom salts
Cupcake papers (optional)
Medium rubber bands
Large rubber erasers
Jumbo paper clip
Tub or pool
Straight pin
Bendy straw
Unsharpened pencil with an eraser
Washable liquid tempera paint
Glow stick (optional)
Recycled plastic tub (such as a container for pretzel rods, cheese balls or craft supplies)
1” plastic tubing or similar (the wider the tube, the bigger and faster your bubbles will grow)
Funnel (or chop off the top of a 2 liter plastic bottle to make the same shape)
Dry ice - small block
Cupcake tin (optional)
Foam sheets
Plastic cup
Other rocks
Aluminum foil
Black foam
Washable black tempera paint
Squid pictures printed out on white paper
Medium sized paper cup
Artificial plant leaves
Magnifying glass
Coffee filter
X-ray pictures
Wool sweater
Various stuffed animals
Decorating items - googlie eyes and glue dots
eye stickers
If you don't have a sink
consider providing a tub
bowl or other container (optional)
Plastic water bottle with water remaining inside
at room temperature
Large pieces of cardboard
Large Petri dishes
Printed and laminated mineral key
Medium sized plastic containers
Hook Velcro
Printed pictures of plants and animals around the world
Tempera paints
Pictures of beetles
Bug viewer
Small sticks or twigs
Magnet board or Metal board
Grape-Nuts cereal
Raisin Bran cereal
Puffed wheat cereal
Clean sand
Clear contact paper
Butcher paper
Black light
Sugar cube
Cup of water
Printout of the current month's constellations from this website: http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/en/kids/st6starfinder/star6starfinder.shtml
2 Different sized hole punches
Pressed leaves
Vegetable oil (enough to fill container halfway)
White vinegar (enough to make a 1-2 inch layer in your jar)
Rubbing alcohol (enough to make a 1-2 inch layer in your jar)
Two colors of food coloring
Blue or green highligher marker
Sheets of white paper
Activity needs to have
Any of selected materials
All of selected materials
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Select one or more materials that should be excluded from activity
Baking soda
See instructions
Dish soap
Plaster of Paris
Paint brush
food coloring
Dry ice
Food coloring (optional)
Scissors - class set
Tall clear container
Magnifying glass (optional)
Clear cup or glass
Plastic bowls
Ziploc bags
Sheet of white paper
Disposable spoon
Washable School Glue
Sheet of white printer paper
jumbo Popsicle sticks
Duct tape
Shaving cream - enough to fill a small cup
Rubber band
Carved pumpkin
Popsicle sticks
Disposable cup or beaker
Apple slices
Yellow highlighter marker
Dark blue construction paper
Round balloon
Spray adhesive
Disposable spoons
Disposable plate
markers - class set
Metal spoon
Clear washable school glue
Paper towel
Warm water
Black light bulb or similar
Fluorescent water
Vegetable oil
Small plastic spider
Dish or tray
Holiday spirit
Goggles (optional)
Small paperclips
Heavy cream, slightly warmed
White or colored printer paper
Fan that can be tilted to blow upwards
Blue or green highlighter marker
Ice water - enough to fill the glass
Hot (but not boiling) water - enough to fill the glass
room temperature water -- enough to fill the glass
Glow stick (all the same color)
Plastic water bottle with lid - green preferred
Craft materials
Sharp object to make a small hole
sturdy plastic cup
Sink, bucket or similar
Cups or petri dishes
disposable cup with plastic lid
Clean glass jar with lid
Marble (optional)
Spatula or wooden spoon
Small bowl (optional)
String or ribbon (optional)
Balloon -- twisty balloon preferred
Piece of plastic shopping bag or tinsel
Wool blanket, sweater, or similar
Crepe paper or small bits of paper
Flowers - class set
Very hot water
Button magnets - class set
Sponges or sponge paper cut into a tree shape
Play tunnel (optional)
Cookie cutters (optional)
Blender (optional)
Ground pepper
Toothpick, straw or similar
Canned or pureed pumpkin
Pumpkin pie spice
Bucket (optional)
Yellow pom poms - class set (optional)
Peppermint candies
Non-stick spray or similar
Salt (any kind)
Q-tip or similar
Zipper baggie
Apple seeds
Large tree or plant leaf
Washable Paint Set
roll of colorful duct tape
Contact paper or similar cut into approx. 6
Hole puncher
Piece of ribbon, pipecleaner or similar
Set of washable paints
Plates (1 per paint color)
Waxed paper cut into a square or circle
Recycled cardboard tube
set of permanent black markers
cotton balls, white pompons or similar
Colorful washable powdered tempera paint
Heavy book or similar
Metal tablespoon
Flat coffee filters cut into 1
Small beakers or plastic cup
Various large green leaves
Paper money or a picture thereof
Sheet of paper
Recycled glass jar
colorful balloon
Balloon pump (optional)
Duct tape or similar
Spider web
Black paper
Spray bottle with water
Fine powder (e.g., baking powder, baby powder, face powder)
Flat tea bag (the kind with a tag)
Matches or lighter
Flame-proof surface
Recycled CD
Recycled water bottle nozzle
Mod Podge
Ribbon or string (optional)
Tea candle (optional)
Vinegar (enough to cover the egg in the glass)
Food coloring - 1 drop
Water glasses -- all should be identical
Metal spoon or similar
Water glasses
water bottle
ketchup packet
Food coloring - set of different colors
Mrs. Stewart's Bluing Solution
Marker (optional)
Sand (several cups)
Markers or crayons - class set
Variety of waterproof recycled materials (plastic bottles & containers)
String or similar
Hot glue gun, waterproof tape or similar
Decorations (optional)
Bird food
Scissors or similar
Wide-mouth funnel
Metal brad
Toy eggs or similar
Printable code wheel template (see instructions)
Sheet of dark construction paper - 8.5 x 11
Hard boiled eggs - as many as desired
Vinegar - Approx 2 T. for every 6 eggs
Used paper bags or similar
Washable glue
Small bowl or similar
Shredder or scissors
Light corn syrup
Black construction paper circle
Plastic wrap (optional)
Tape (optional)
Meltable snack food (chocolate, cheese, etc.)
White printer paper 8.5
Stiff white paper, like cardstock or photo paper
Glue, glue dots or similar
Craft foam (optional) - approx .5 x 12 inches
1 sheet of aluminum foil
1 Tablespoon salt
1 Tablespoon baking soda
Can of shaving cream
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup white vinegar
tarnished silver
soft cloth for drying and polishing
Glass baking dish
Deep dish that is not much larger than the sponge
Printable Morse Code Sheet (see link)
String - approx 16 inches
Velcro -- hook and loop
Bins - 1 per 3 students
Twigs, leaves, rocks (optional)
Insect grabbers or tongs (optiona)
Set of markers or similar
Roll of clear tape
White cardstock 8.5x11
Printed robotic finger form
Small, strong magnet (such as neodymium)
Toy clicker, pencil, drumstick, stick, rock -- anything to tap or click with
Metal paper clips or similar (optional)
Box of corn starch
Ammonia (optional)
Large, wide rubber band
Small rubber bands
Small foam shapes
Jumbo craft sticks
Markers (optional)
Water - enough to fill the clear glass
Baby oil - enough to fill the clear glass about 1/3 full
Vegetable oil - enough to fill the clear glass about 1/3 full
Colored, heart-shaped ice cube
Magnet wands - class set
plain white carnation
Highligher or washable marker
Glue stick
Balloon (transparent is best)
1/4" hex nut
Boiling water
Acids (e.g., vinegar, lemon juice, toilet bowl cleaner)
Bases (e.g., baking soda, milk of magnesia)
Unsweetened Cherry Jello or Kool-Aid - packet
Vinegar - enough to fill the container 2/3
Bee pictures - class set
Sheet of pink or red construction paper
White wax crayon
utility scissors or knife - grownup only
water - enough to fill cup halfway
Large magnetic or metal surface
sheets of red & pink paper
Colorful pipe cleaners
Dish soap (Joy or Dawn work best; avoid
Candy hearts or similar (optional)
very small disposable cups
Raw egg
Measuring spoons - class set
Zipper sandwich bag
Container of 1 dozen raw eggs
Hardboiled egg
Shortening or similar (optional)
tape - class set
Food coloring - class set
Paper hearts
Jumbo craft sticks or similar
Water droppers (optional)
Permanent markers (optional)
Washable, non-toxic paint
Cup or bowl
Drinking straw
Mini Carrot
Splash of lemon juice
Empty water bottle
Sharpie marker - class set
Measuring cups - class set
Meringue powder
Sand paper
Awl or sharp knife
Laminating sheets
Cardboard tubes
Bubble solution
Liquid soap
Bubble wands
Large bowl
Construction paper
Washable markers
Black or other dark permanent ink markers
Clear cups
Beehive picture
Waxed paper
Floor fan that can be tilted to blow upwards
Clear plastic cups
Cotton balls
Butterfly template
Piece of string
Large stuffed animals
Strips of fabric or bandanas
Printed first aid stickers
Petri dishes
Sticker labels
Small plastic bowls
Permanent markers
Ziploc sandwich bags
Magnetic tape
Glass measuring cup
Nutrient Agar
White board
Dry erase marker
Metal Tray
Medium sized Dixie cup
Bird seed
Small colored beads
Plastic wrap
Small Petri dishes
Googly eyes
Shaving cream
Colander or strainer
Disposable bowl or small container
Small toy dinosaurs, bones, rocks, or other items from around the house
Smoke machine or dry ice
or similar
Large toothpicks or wooden skewers (axles)
Corn starch
Potting soil or similar grass seed (or any seed)
Rubbing alcohol
Borax (a laundry booster)
Food coloring or liquid tempera paint
White paper
Citric acid (buy online or in the canning section of the grocery store)
Baby oil (scented or unscented)
Cream of tartar
Confectioners sugar
Fragrance (optional)
Foam sheet or construction paper
Plastic egg halves
Decorations as desired
Tape or hot glue
Glue sticks
Plastic spoons
Mini marshmallows
Masking tape
Plastic insects
Plastic spiders
Hole punch
Pipe cleaners
Googly eyes or eye stickers
foam stickers
hot glue gun
Cotton swabs
Recycled glass jar with metal lid
Strong magnet
Recycled 2-liter bottle
Fruit, syrup, or other sticky substance
Small recycled plastic container
Pantyhose or similar
Tall clear glasses
Ice cubes
Long piece of string or yarn
Yellow yarn
Hot glue and Hot glue gun
Small shovels, spoons or similar
Colander, sifter or similar
Glass milk bottle or similar**
Tall, slender glass container
Vinegar - enough to fill container 1/2 full
Oil - enough to make a 1
Plastic bucket (any size)
Vinyl shower curtain, very thick trash bag or similar -- large enough to cover the mouth of your bucket
Elastic, bungee cord, or duct tape
Tall, clear jar, glass or similar
Aluminum foil square
Small fossils, sharks' teeth, rocks or similar
Sand or rice - enough to fill the tub about 1/3 to the top
Large plastic container
Magnetic marbles
Bouncy ball
Magnetic wand
Water bottle nozzle
Small paper confetti, bits of paper, tissue paper, rice cereal or similar
Raw chicken egg
Clear glass
Medium-size paper cup
Cotton string
Small paper clips
Decorating materials
Medium sized disposable cup
Popsicle stick or disposable spoon
Plastic cookie cutter
Drinking straws
Sharp pencil, toothpick or similar
Recycled plastic water bottle
Recycled plastic bottle caps (all same)
Shaving cream (scented if desired) - 1 can
Scent as desired
Shallow baking pan or dish
Paper towel sheets
Small candy wrappers (optional)
Epsom salts
Cupcake papers (optional)
Medium rubber bands
Large rubber erasers
Jumbo paper clip
Tub or pool
Straight pin
Bendy straw
Unsharpened pencil with an eraser
Washable liquid tempera paint
Glow stick (optional)
Recycled plastic tub (such as a container for pretzel rods, cheese balls or craft supplies)
1” plastic tubing or similar (the wider the tube, the bigger and faster your bubbles will grow)
Funnel (or chop off the top of a 2 liter plastic bottle to make the same shape)
Dry ice - small block
Cupcake tin (optional)
Foam sheets
Plastic cup
Other rocks
Aluminum foil
Black foam
Washable black tempera paint
Squid pictures printed out on white paper
Medium sized paper cup
Artificial plant leaves
Magnifying glass
Coffee filter
X-ray pictures
Wool sweater
Various stuffed animals
Decorating items - googlie eyes and glue dots
eye stickers
If you don't have a sink
consider providing a tub
bowl or other container (optional)
Plastic water bottle with water remaining inside
at room temperature
Large pieces of cardboard
Large Petri dishes
Printed and laminated mineral key
Medium sized plastic containers
Hook Velcro
Printed pictures of plants and animals around the world
Tempera paints
Pictures of beetles
Bug viewer
Small sticks or twigs
Magnet board or Metal board
Grape-Nuts cereal
Raisin Bran cereal
Puffed wheat cereal
Clean sand
Clear contact paper
Butcher paper
Black light
Sugar cube
Cup of water
Printout of the current month's constellations from this website: http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/en/kids/st6starfinder/star6starfinder.shtml
2 Different sized hole punches
Pressed leaves
Vegetable oil (enough to fill container halfway)
White vinegar (enough to make a 1-2 inch layer in your jar)
Rubbing alcohol (enough to make a 1-2 inch layer in your jar)
Two colors of food coloring
Blue or green highligher marker
Sheets of white paper
Choose alergens
Choose alergens
Tree nuts
Recommended Ages
Adult Involvement
Activity Time
0-15 minutes
15-30 minutes
30-45 minutes
60 minutes+
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